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About PLA

From Projects to Products

What we do

PLA provides governance, compliance and operational oversight of the platforms and products within our ecosystem in order to enhance, scale, and ensure sustainability. 

The PharmaLedger Association (PLA) provides healthcare-related organizations the ability to come  together in a trusted network to develop digital healthcare solutions. PLA’s solutions are built not to replace but to connect, by putting patients first and creating added value for all ecosystem members.


We are a global not-for-profit association legally formed in March 2022 in Basel, Switzerland as the sustainability strategy of the PharmaLedger Project. 

PLA is a pre-competition umbrella organization dedicated to the development and deployment of trusted solutions for the healthcare ecosystem. PLA is the neutral venue where all healthcare players can collaborate, pool resources, and share risks associated with the development of Healthcare 4.0 solutions.

PLA members represent the classes of Patron, Standard, Patient Organizations, and Public Partners (NGO/NFPs). In March 2023 PLA’s 20 founding members approved a 3-year strategic plan to deploy solutions in the areas of Product Trust, Decentralized Trials, and Supply Chain Traceability.

PLA operates a lean organization under the leadership of Executive Director Daniel Fritz and the strategic oversight of the elected Board of Directors representing all member classes.


PLA exists to connect, protect, empower, build and sustain Healthcare 4.0 by enabling a Digital Trust Ecosystem in Healthcare (DTE-H) to solve problems that can’t be solved by single organizations.


We aim to provide a global governance, compliance and operating model that enables innovation and inspires collaboration among healthcare stakeholders.


To enable a Healthcare 4.0 experience that is digitally trusted, privacy preserving, patient-centric, and industry-inclusive.

Our Core Values

Recognize that healthcare exists for patients

Lead collectively for mutual benefit

Gather diverse stakeholders to build a DTE-H and reduce barriers to adoption

Govern in decentralized manner for equitable stakeholder representation

Remain open to multiple technologies and providers

Focus on continuous innovation without a profit motive

Reduce complexity wherever possible

Practice transparency in all activities and decisions

Remain flexible, resilient, and adaptable to change

Empower collaborative development and community-building


A Digital Trust Ecosystem (DTE) is an interdependent group of actors (people, enterprises, things) sharing standard, secure digital solutions to achieve mutual benefit.

A standard framework where use cases can become valuable
solutions to healthcare problems. Built not to replace but to connect.